
Maritime Bus from Charlottetown, PEI: Scenic Journey to St John, New Brunswick

Calling all travelers, wanderlusters, and lovers of the Maritimes! Forget the high seas and heaving decks—today, we’re setting off on a different kind of maritime adventure. Join me on a scenic bus journey with Maritime Bus, as I navigate the beautiful Canadian provinces of Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick.

Booking Your Trip

Maritime Bus is the main carrier serving the Maritimes, and booking is a breeze. You can do it online at Maritime Bus or by phone. My tip? Book in advance, especially during peak season, to snag the best fares. I booked this trip about two months ahead. There are usually transfers, which can extend the trip, so I opted for the route with the fewest transfers—three, which is still a lot! You can choose to print out your ticket or simply show it on your phone (I went with the latter).

The Charlottetown terminal is conveniently located downtown and has basic amenities for waiting passengers. If you arrive early and need a bite or coffee, there’s a cozy café just across the street where you can relax before your journey. Be sure to factor in check-in time (usually 30 minutes before departure) and any potential delays. The bus left just a minute past the scheduled departure time, which I found quite prompt.

Setting Off

The bus was clean and comfortable. My seat reclined a decent amount, and there were individual air vents for personal comfort. Bonus points to Maritime Bus: many seats come with charging ports—a lifesaver for keeping your devices powered (though be aware that some ports might not work on every leg of the journey).

The ride from Charlottetown to Saint John takes roughly six hours, with a few rest stops along the way. The scenery is a real highlight. You’ll wind your way through rolling hills, charming towns, and (of course) stunning coastal vistas. Be sure to grab a window seat for the best views!

snack for the road!

The Journey Itself

Chapter 1: Charlottetown to Amherst, Nova Scotia

Our adventure begins with a picturesque drive through Prince Edward Island’s countryside. Departing Charlottetown, the bus gracefully traverses the iconic Confederation Bridge, offering breathtaking views of the Northumberland Strait below. This engineering marvel not only connects PEI to the mainland but also provides a stunning introduction to the region’s natural beauty.

The journey’s first chapter unfolds as we travel from Charlottetown to Amherst, Nova Scotia. This charming leg of the journey showcases rolling hills, quaint villages, and glimpses of the ocean along the way. However, the transfer at Amherst, while necessary, can be tiring and time-consuming, especially with the logistics of changing buses and ensuring a smooth continuation of the trip. Passengers may find themselves managing luggage and navigating new surroundings during this part of the journey.

Personalize Your Journey:

While the Maritimes offer stunning scenery throughout, each leg has its unique charm. Keep an eye out for interesting sights! On the Charlottetown to Amherst leg, I discovered this charming town in Nova Scotia through a quick bus research session (there was no time to explore it, though!). This sparked my curiosity and added this quaint town to my future must-visit list.

Chapter 2: Amherst to Moncton, New Brunswick

As we journeyed toward Moncton, the landscape shifted. The rolling hills gave way to flatter farmland, dotted with the occasional cluster of houses. A quick peek at Moncton’s vibrant skyline through the bus window sparked a serious case of wanderlust (a future stop for sure!). The Moncton terminal is housed in a historic maritime station, worth a quick exploration if you have extra time before your final transfer. If you have more time, you can visit the Halls Creek pedestrian bridge

Time Hacks for Transfers:

Transfers can be a manageable wait, usually around 20 minutes in my experience. If you find yourself with extra time, most terminals have comfortable seating areas. The Moncton terminal even has a Shoppers Drug Mart nearby if you want to do some quick shopping for snacks, toiletries, or travel essentials.

Chapter 3: Moncton to Saint John, New Brunswick

The final leg to Saint John offered the most dramatic coastal views yet. The rocky coastline, dotted with lighthouses and fishing villages, was a sight to behold. The anticipation built as we approached Saint John, and I couldn’t wait to explore this historic city.

Onboard Amenities

Don’t expect all the bells and whistles of a luxury coach, but Maritime Bus provides basic amenities. There are overhead bins for luggage and a restroom at the back.

Wi-Fi Woes (or Wins?)

Wi-Fi is a bit of a gamble. Some legs had free wifi but I did not connect to them. It’s wise to have a downloaded movie or book as a backup plan for entertainment.

Arrival in Saint John

The Saint John terminal is conveniently located downtown. Upon arrival, you can grab your luggage and head out to explore this vibrant city.

The Verdict

Overall, taking the Maritime Bus from Charlottetown to Saint John is a budget-friendly and scenic way to travel between these two Maritime gems. While the onboard experience is basic, the comfortable seating, stunning views, and affordable price make it a solid option.

Bonus Tips

  • Pack a light sweater or jacket: The bus temperature can vary.
  • Bring entertainment for potential Wi-Fi downtime: Downloaded movies, books, games.
  • Pack snacks and drinks: Especially if you have dietary restrictions. However, you would find places to purchase snacks like the Tim Hortons or Shoppers Drug Mart
  • Download your bus schedule: Keep an eye on updates in case of delays.

Cost Breakdown

Here’s a breakdown of the total cost for a return trip for my sister and me:

  • Bus ticket: $292.99 (approximately $150 per person)
  • Transaction fees: $35.63
  • Transaction fees taxes: $5.34

Quotes and Fun Facts

While chatting with a fellow traveler on the Amherst to Moncton leg, I learned that he was a local artist on his way to an exhibition for Canada Day. It’s amazing the interesting people you can meet while traveling! The Maritimes are known for their friendly locals and vibrant communities, making every journey a potential treasure trove of stories and new friends.

Ready for Your Own Maritime Adventure?

The Maritimes are brimming with charm, from the rolling hills and quaint villages of PEI to the vibrant cityscapes and dramatic coastlines of New Brunswick. Maritime Bus offers a budget-friendly and scenic way to experience it all. So, book your adventure today and get ready to set sail (by bus) on your own Maritime Bus odyssey!

Looking for more travel tips and adventures? Follow me on social media @simply.nma for more hidden gems and unique travel experiences!

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